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openDendro Bootcamp

Jan 8th-9th 2024

Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

University of Arizona

📢 Announcement

We are pleased to announce a comprehensive two-day bootcamp focused on openDendro. This event will provide participants with valuable hands-on training in the R and Python programming languages, using openDendro for analysis in dendrochronology.

🌲 About openDendro

openDendro is an open-source framework for software tools used in dendrochronology. Developed to promote open-science practices, openDendro offers researchers a unified and curated collection of tools in both R and Python environments. By leveraging open-source technologies, openDendro facilitates greater rigor and transparency in dendrochronological research, fostering collaboration and advancement in the field.

✨ Highlights

Over the course of two days, participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on training with openDendro, gaining practical experience in both R and Python. The bootcamp will cover a range of topics, including:

  • 🌳 Using openDendro's core analytic software tools
  • 🔧 Hands-on exercises and case studies
  • 📚 Best practices for implementing open-science methodologies
  • 🔄 Navigating between R and Python environments

📋 Format

The bootcamp will primarily be focused on in-person interaction, with morning and afternoon sessions dedicated to hands-on coding activities. Rather than lengthy lecture-style presentations, the emphasis will be on practical application and collaborative problem-solving. This format allows participants to actively engage with the material, reinforce their understanding through practical exercises, and work together with instructors and peers to tackle coding challenges.

While the bootcamp prioritizes in-person engagement, we also understand the need for flexibility. Thus, we will include a modest online component to enhance the learning experience. This component might offer pre-bootcamp materials, supplementary resources, post-bootcamp support, and facilitatation of ongoing discussion and knowledge sharing. However, please note that the in-person sessions are essential for the immersive experience we aim to provide, and the online component is designed to complement rather than replace direct interaction.

💼 Who Should Attend?

This bootcamp is designed for researchers, scientists, and practitioners who work with tree-ring data. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced coder you will leave with a better toolbox.

🎟️ Registration

Please visit the registration website and complete the form. Please note that spaces are limited, so early registration is encouraged.

💰 Scholarships

We are pleased to offer limited support for student and early-career researchers by providing funds to help defray expenses associated with the bootcamp. Details on eligibility and the application process can be found on the registration page.

Last update: 2024-01-09